Cyclops: Details that Recur

Some details worth remembering from the episode — they will appear again later:

Garryowen (12:120)
Gerty MacDowell (12:1494; also at 10:1206-11)
Virag, the Bloom family's original name (12:1639)

Some details in this episode that have appeared earlier:

U.p.: up (12:258 and 1031; see 8:277-78)
C.K. (12:362 = Corny Kelleher; see 6:504, 10:97, and 10:207-25)
Bob Doran and the "little sleepwalking bitch he married, Mooney" (12:398; see "The Boarding House" in Dubliners)
dishonoured wife (12:1163-64; see 2:390 and 9:256-60)
Throwaway (12:1218-28 and 1552-58; see question in Thoughts and Questions)
the man in the Macintosh (12:1497-98; see 6:805, 6:894 95, and 10:1271)
Crofton (12:1589; see "Ivy Day in the Committee Room" in Dubliners)
Bloom the dentist (12:1638; see 10:1115)

See also Characters in Dubliners who reappear in Ulysses and Characters in A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man who reappear in Ulysses.