Conference Papers, Lectures, and Other Public Events (most recent first)
"Reading Joyce Again Through New Letters." With William
Brockman. "Joyce
Without Borders: The 2019 North American James
Joyce Conference"; Mexico City, June 15, 2019.
"Ulysses Reading Groups." Multi-session
discussion group, co-organized and co-moderated with
Austin Briggs, Hamilton College.
Without Borders: The 2019 North American James
Joyce Conference"; Mexico City, June 14 and 15, 2019. 2
Art of James Joyce." 26th International James
Joyce Symposium; Antwerp, Belgium, June 13 and 14, 2018.
2 sessions.
Joyce: The 2017 North American James Joyce
Conference"; Toronto, June 22 and 23, 2017. 2
"Anniversary Joyce."
25th International James Joyce Symposium; London, June
13 and 16, 2016. 2 sessions.
"a long the
krommerun." 24th
International James Joyce Symposium; Utrecht, The
Netherlands, June 18 and 19, 2014. 2 sessions.
"Joyce in
Charleston: The 23rd North American James Joyce
Conference"; Charleston, South Carolina, June 13 and
15, 2013. 2 sessions.
"Joyce, Dublin, and Environs." 23rd International James Joyce Symposium; Dublin, Ireland, June 14 and 15, 2012. 2 sessions.
"Joyce in Science and Art: 22nd North American James Joyce Conference"; Pasadena, California, June 14 and 15, 2011. 2 sessions.
"Praharfeast." 22nd International James Joyce Symposium; Prague, Czech Republic, June 15 and 17, 2010. 2 sessions.
"Eire on the Erie: 2009 North American James Joyce Conference"; Buffalo, New York, June 15 and 16, 2009. 2 sessions.
"Re-Nascent Joyce." 21st International James Joyce Symposium; Tours, France, June 16 and 17, 2008. 2 sessions.
"Joyce in Austin: 2007 North American James Joyce Conference," University of Texas at Austin; Austin, Texas, June 14 and 16, 2007. 2 sessions.
"Joycean Unions." 20th International James Joyce Symposium; Budapest, Hungary, June 12, 13, and 14, 2006. 3 sessions.
"Return to Ithaca: The 2005 North American James Joyce Conference"; Cornell University; Ithaca, New York, June 16, 17, and 18, 2005. 3 sessions.
Roundtable participant, “Standard Editions to Cite in the James Joyce Quarterly.” "The Art of James Joyce." 26th International James Joyce Symposium; Antwerp, Belgium, June 14, 2018.
“Why Read a Book Like James Joyce’s Ulysses?” Arts and Letters Club; Toronto, Ontario, May 7, 2018.
"Joyce's Expanding Epistolary Novel."
"Postscrapt" Workshop, Zurich James Joyce Foundation; Zurich, Switzerland, August 2, 2017.
"Diasporic Joyce: The 2017 North American James Joyce Conference"; Toronto, June 24, 2017.
Respondent to papers on panel, "Jimtimacies: At Home with Joyce." "Diasporic Joyce: The 2017 North American James Joyce Conference"; Toronto, June 24, 2017.
"Reflecting Genetically on Genetic Criticism." "Anniversary Joyce." Twenty-fifth International James Joyce Symposium; London, June 17, 2016.
"The Pleasure of the Avant-texte." Response to papers written for seminar "Revision and Modernism: Living and (Un)Dead Texts," co-organized with Riley McDonald and Donald Hinson Calabrese. Modernist Studies Association 17 conference; Boston, November 19, 2015.
"Drafts of a Novel, Drafts of a Life: Looking Back."
Western University; London, Ontario, April 10, 2014.
"'Me. And me now': Writing About a Life with Ulysses." James Joyce Centre; Dublin, Ireland, May 6, 2013.
"Ulysses: The Necessary Fiction." Talk delivered as part of the Modernist Versions Project's "Year of Ulysses." University of Toronto; April 19, 2013. Video available online here (click on the link to my talk at the right) or here.
Panel member, "The Scandal of Ulysses: A Roundtable." "Joyce, Dublin, and Environs," Twenty-third International James Joyce Symposium; Dublin, Ireland, June 12, 2012.
"James Joyce: A Portrait of the Artist as a Public-Domain Man." Part of the Ninth Annual James Joyce Celebration, "Joyce Unbound: James Joyce Enters the Public Domain"; Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, New York, February 3, 2012.
"The Necessary Fiction." Part of panel on "What Does My Ph.D. Have to Do With Me?" Department of English Colloquium Series, University of Western Ontario; London, Ontario, October 6, 2011.
"Ulysses - and Us?"
James Joyce Society;
New York, May 11, 2011.
Princeton University;
Princeton, New Jersey, February 18, 2011.
Twenty-second International James Joyce Symposium;
Prague, Czech Republic, June 17, 2010.
"Raging Bully." Roundtable on Copyright Practices and Problems, "The Quote's the Thing: Negotiating Copyright in Scholarly Criticism" conference, Baldy Center for Law and Social Policy, University at Buffalo Law School; Buffalo, New York, April 2, 2011.
"Why Study Manuscripts? Living and Working with Ulysses and with Joyce's Manuscripts for His Novel." Vanderbilt University; Nashville, Tennessee, October 7, 2010.
Panel member, "In Memory of Joyce: A Conversation with Prof. Hans Jahnke." "Praharfeast," Twenty-second International James Joyce Symposium; Prague, Czech Republic, June 16, 2010.
"Living and Working with Joyce: Texts, Manuscripts, Collections, Collectors." University of Zurich symposium celebrating Zurich-James-Joyce-Foundation-director Fritz Senn's receipt of the Golden Medal of Honor of the Canton of Zurich; Zurich, Switzerland, November 6, 2009.
"The Dance of Composition: The Manuscripts for Ulysses at the University at Buffalo and the Fascinating Stories They Tell About Joyce at Work." University at Buffalo Anderson Gallery; Buffalo, New York, July 9, 2009.
"Textual Criticism, Genetic Criticism, and Joyce’s Ulysses." "TEMiC: Textual Editing and Modernism in Canada" Institute, Trent University; Peterborough, Ontario, June 22, 2009.
"Workshop: Working With the Making of Ulysses: Lestrygonians." "Eire on the Erie: 2009 North American James Joyce Conference"; Buffalo, New York, June 16, 2009.
"Joyce at Work on Ulysses After the Little Review Trial." "Eire on the Erie: 2009 North American James Joyce Conference"; Buffalo, New York, June 14, 2009.
"Adventures with Ulysses."
"Adventures with Ulysses:
Life with Joyce's Novel." The Rowfant Club; Cleveland,
Ohio, March 11, 2009.
"Adventures with Ulysses: An Excerpt from a Memoir." "Re-Nascent Joyce," Twenty-first International James Joyce Symposium; Tours, France, June 16, 2008. Watch and listen to the full conference panel.
"Adventures with Ulysses: Writing About a Life With Ulysses and Its Manuscripts." James Joyce Research Colloquium, James Joyce Research Centre, University College Dublin; Dublin, April 17, 2008.
"Adventures with Ulysses: Discovering Ulysses." Opening keynote address, James Joyce Research Colloquium, James Joyce Research Centre, University College Dublin; Dublin, April 16, 2008."Adventures with Ulysses: 'Learn a lot teaching others. The personal note.'" James Joyce Symposium in Honor of Austin Briggs, Hamilton College; Clinton, New York, September 29, 2007.
"Adventures with Ulysses: A Day in the Life." "Joyce in Austin: 2007 North American James Joyce Conference," University of Texas at Austin; Austin, Texas, June 14, 2007.
"Adventures with Ulysses: My Longest Ongoing Adult Relationship." University of Western Ontario; London, November 24, 2006.
"Adventures With Ulysses: My Two Fathers." "Bloomsday100," Nineteenth International James Joyce Symposium; Dublin, June 17, 2004.
"Adventures With Ulysses: Two Excerpts - Dublin 1982, and My Two Fathers." James Joyce Society, Gotham Book Mart; New York, April 15, 2004.
Respondent to papers on panel, "Joyce Lost and Found: New National Library of Ireland Manuscripts." Modern Language Association of America convention; Chicago, December 27, 2007.
"Notes Toward a Biography of James Joyce's Ulysses."
James Joyce Summer School, Newman House, University College Dublin; July 9, 2007.
The Poetry Collection, University at Buffalo, State University of New York; May 1, 2007.
University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario; February 8, 2007.
University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario; January 26, 2007.
Nipissing University, North Bay, Ontario; November 16, 2006.
Oxford University; October 18, 2006.
"Joycean Unions," Twentieth International James Joyce Symposium; Budapest, June 13, 2006.
University of Cincinnati; Cincinnati, Ohio, April 19, 2006.University of Tulsa; January 17, 2006.
Institute of English Studies, University of London; November 29, 2005.
Toronto Centre for the Book, University of Toronto; November 17, 2005.
IASIL 2005 conference (International Association for the Study of Irish Literatures); Charles University, Prague, July 27, 2005.
Ninth Annual Trieste Joyce School; Trieste, Italy, June 28, 2005.
"The Dance of Composition: The Fascinating Story of How James Joyce Wrote Ulysses." Spalding University Master of Fine Arts Program in Creative Writing, Louisville, Kentucky; May 31, 2007.
“The New Finnegans Wake Manuscripts at the National Library of Ireland.” “Joycean Unions,” Twentieth International James Joyce Symposium; Budapest, June 12, 2006.
"Digital Ulysses: A Demo and a History."
Brock University, St. Catherines, Ontario; November 4, 2005.
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, October 26, 2005.
COCH / COSH Conference (Consortium for Computers in the Humanities / Consortium pour ordinateurs en sciences humaines), part of the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences; University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, May 29, 2005.
"A Joycean Intellectual Autobiography." University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, October 26, 2005.
"Making Manuscripts Speak." Five-session seminar, co-directed with Prof. Geert Lernout, University of Antwerp. Ninth Annual Trieste Joyce School; Trieste, Italy, June 27-28, 30-July 2, 2005.
"Taking the Bull By the Horns: Joyce Scholarship and the Joyce Estate." "Return to Ithaca: The 2005 North American James Joyce Conference"; Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, June 18, 2005.
Respondent to papers on panel, "Hypermedia Joyce." "Return to Ithaca: The 2005 North American James Joyce Conference"; Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, June 17, 2005.
"'Cyclops' in Progress, Revisited."
Thirteenth Biennial International Interdisciplinary Conference of the Society for Textual Scholarship; New York, March 17, 2005.
"Bloomsday100," Nineteenth International James Joyce Symposium; Dublin, June 15, 2004.
"James Joyce, Music, and Film: 'Bloomsday Cabaret'." Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, New York, December 9, 2004.
"James Joyce's Works and Visual Art / James Joyce's Works as Visual Art." Forest City Gallery "Points of Departure" Lecture Series, London, Ontario; November 15, 2004.
"The Dance of Composition: Genetic Criticism and Concepts of the Text." University of Toronto, Comparative Literature 1000H: Theories of Literature and Criticism, October 8, 2004.
"Digital Ulysses."
Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario, September 23, 2004.
Greenwich Library, Greenwich, Connecticut, April 6, 2004.
92nd Street YM/YWHA, Unterberg Poetry Center, Critics and Brunch series; New York, April 4, 2004.
Broaching Bloomsday series; Camden County College, Blackwood, New Jersey, April 1, 2004.
"Hugh Kenner: A Celebration." "Bloomsday100," Nineteenth International James Joyce Symposium; Dublin, June 17, 2004.
"Privacy in Bloom."
"For the Natural Poet" series (presentation with Molly Peacock in series in which writing couples explore their art and relationship as writers); Catskill Mountain Foundation, Hunter, New York; Poetry Series, April 17, 2004.
"JJ on the Bay: The Sarasota James Joyce Birthday Conference"; University of South Florida at Sarasota/Manatee, February 2, 2002.
"Extreme Joyce/Reading On the Edge: The 2001 North American James Joyce Conference"; Berkeley, July 6, 2001.
New School University; New York, May 9, 2001.
College of St. Benedict; St. Joseph, Minnesota, April 25, 2001.
Ruminator Book Store; St. Paul, Minnesota, April 24, 2001.
"The Pleasures and Perils of Literary Research: Ulysses, Manuscripts, Theory, Computers, Copyright." Dalhousie University, Halifax, February 18, 2004.
"Before and After: The Past, Present, and Future Roles of the Manuscripts in Textual and Genetic Criticism of Ulysses." Modern Language Association of America convention; San Diego, December 27, 2003
"New Manuscripts, New Technologies: Incorporating the Archive Into a Digital Presentation of Joyce’s Ulysses." Plenary Lecture, "Archiving Modernism" conference; University of Alberta, Edmonton, July 23, 2003.
"Genetic and Textual Criticism," part of "Roundtable: The Retrospective and Proleptic Ulysses." "Post-Industrial Joyce: The 2003 North American James Joyce Conference"; University of Tulsa, June 20, 2003.
"Digital Ulysses: The Next Demo." "Post-Industrial Joyce: The 2003 North American James Joyce Conference"; University of Tulsa, June 16, 2003.
"The National Library of Ireland's New Joyce Manuscripts."
Twelfth Biennial International Interdisciplinary Conference of the Society for Textual Scholarship; New York, March 21, 2003.
31st Annual Twentieth-Century Literature Conference; University of Louisville, February 28, 2003.
Oxford University; January 29, 2003
James Joyce Society, Gotham Book Mart; New York, October 25, 2002.
Twentieth-Century Group, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario; October 8, 2002.
Plenary Lecture, "Mediterranean Joyce," Eighteenth International James Joyce Symposium; Trieste, June 18, 2002.
"'Proceeding Energetically From the Unknown to the Known': Looking Again at the Genetic Texts and Documents for Joyce's Ulysses." "Texts and Borders: The Borders of the Text – A Conference in Honor of Hans Walter Gabler." Innsbruck, Austria, January 25, 2003.
"Annotating Ulysses and Presenting the Ulysses Manuscripts Electronically." "Mediterranean Joyce," Eighteenth International James Joyce Symposium; Trieste, June 20, 2002.
Panelist, "Roundtable on the Newly Discovered Circe and Eumaeus Manuscripts." "Mediterranean Joyce," Eighteenth International James Joyce Symposium; Trieste, June 20, 2002.
"Statement on the National Library of Ireland Collection of Joyce Manuscripts." National Library of Ireland; Dublin, May 30, 2002.
"Digital Ulysses: Presenting James Joyce's Ulysses in Hypermedia." Macintosh Users Group; University of Western Ontario, London, May 16, 2002.
"Are There Texts in This Class? Editions as Criticism, Editions as Hypertexts. Hypertexts as Editions." Modern Language Association of America convention; New Orleans, December 29, 2001.
"James Joyce's Ulysses in Hypermedia: Issues of Annotation."
"Extreme Joyce/Reading On the Edge: The 2001 North American James Joyce Conference"; Berkeley, July 3, 2001.
Eleventh International Interdisciplinary Conference of the Society for Textual Scholarship; New York, April 19, 2001.
"James Joyce's Ulysses in Hypermedia: Problems of Annotation." "Colloquium on New Technology and the Future of Publishing"; Clemson University, April 5, 2001.
"James Joyce's Ulysses in Hypermedia: Two Models." Lebanon Valley College, Annville, Pennsylvania, February 13 and 15, 2001.
"Annotating Ulysses in Hypermedia: Three Models." "2001: A Joyce Odyssey," The Fifteenth Annual Miami Joyce Birthday Conference; University of Miami, February 2, 2001.
"The Joycean Page in Hypertext." "Joyce 2000: The Right to Write," Seventeenth International James Joyce Symposium; London, June 27, 2000.
"Hypertexting Joyce's Ulysses: A Practical Workshop." Four sessions; co-organizer and co-chair (with Susan Bazargan). "Joyce 2000: The Right to Write," Seventeenth International James Joyce Symposium; London, June 25, 26, 29, and 30, 2000.
"The Past and Future Pages of Joyce's Ulysses."
Future of the Page" conference; University of
Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, June 9, 2000.
Speaker on, and organizer and chair of panel, "Joycean Communities: Fictional, Biographical, Pedagogical, Scholarly, Virtual, Imagined, . . .: A Communal Discussion." Modern Language Association of America convention; Chicago, December 27, 1999.
"Annotating Ulysses in Hypermedia."
Boston University; November 11, 1999.
Fordham University, New York; October 29, 1999.
University of Alaska, Fairbanks, October 7, 1999.
"Problems of Annotation." Zurich James Joyce Foundation workshop; Zurich, August 2, 1999.
Two-session workshop. "Millennial Joyce," North American James Joyce Symposium; Charleston, South Carolina, June 16-17, 1999.
Two-session workshop. "Joyce and the City," The Thirteenth Annual Miami J'yce Birthday Conference; University of Miami, February 5-6, 1999.
"James Joyce's Ulysses in Hypermedia: The
Challenge of Presenting Bloom in Bytes." Lecture and
follow-up seminar. Colloquium on Criticism, University
of Washington, Seattle, May 6-7, 1999.
"James Joyce's Ulysses in Hypermedia: A
Progress Report." Tenth International Interdisciplinary
Conference of the Society
for Textual Scholarship; New York, April 16, 1999.
"Online Outlines: Preparing Interactive Course
Materials." Molloy College, Rockville Centre, New York,
November 19, 1998.
"James Joyce's Ulysses in Hypermedia:
Presenting the Novel of the Twentieth Century in the
Twenty-first." New
York University, November 13, 1998.
"Remarks on Danis Rose's 'Reader's Edition' of Ulysses." James Joyce Society, Gotham Book Mart; New York, October 14, 1998.
"James Joyce's Ulysses in Hypermedia: Demonstration of A Prototype."
James Joyce Annual Summer School; Newman House, University College Dublin, July 22, 1998.
"Classic Joyce," Sixteenth International James Joyce Symposium; Rome, June 17, 1998.
Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences Conference: Session sponsored jointly by COCH / COSH (Consortium for Computers in the Humanities / Consortium pour ordinateurs en sciences humaines) and ACCUTE (Association of Canadian College and University Teachers of English); University of Ottawa, May 29, 1998.
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, April 8, 1998.
University of California, Los Angeles, April 7, 1998.
"The Sociomaterial Turn: Excavating Modernism," Twelfth Annual Comparative Literature Symposium; University of Tulsa, March 6, 1998.
"Technologies and Texts," Fourth Annual Literature Roundtable; McGill University, Montreal, March 4, 1998. Keynote Presentation.
Modern Language Association of America convention; Toronto, December 29, 1997.
"Historical/Hysterical Joyce," North American James Joyce Symposium; Toronto, June 12, 1997.
Molloy College, Rockville Centre, New York, May 14, 1997.
Ninth International Interdisciplinary Conference of the Society for Textual Scholarship; New York, April 10, 1997.
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, March 18, 1997.
"The 'Nausicaa' Episode / Joycean Hypertexts" University of Leeds, March 1, 1997.
Oxford University, February 27, 1997.
"Art in the Digital Age," a program held in conjunction with "Techno-Seduction: An Exhibition of Multimedia Installation Work" and the College Art Association of America; Cooper Union School of Art, New York, February 13, 1997.
"James Joyce Through the Ages," Eleventh Annual Miami J'yce Birthday Conference; University of Miami, January 31, 1997.
Modern Language Association of America convention; Washington, DC, December 29, 1996.
Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire, October 31, 1996.
University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, July 31, 1996.
Interactive Telecommunications Program, New York University; July 1, 1996.
"Time and Space in Ulysses and in Hypertext."
"Classic Joyce," Sixteenth International James Joyce Symposium; Rome, June 15, 1998.
Modern Language Association of America convention; Toronto, December 28, 1997 (title = "Storytime: Temporal As Well As Spatial Metaphors for Hypertext").
"Joyce's Hypertextual Gesture: Wandering in the Hypertextual Avant-texte." 18th Colloque James Joyce, "'It Gested': Gesture and Gesticulation"; Paris, May 24, 1997.
"Genetics and the Computer: Incorporating Genetic Materials in a Hypermedia Ulysses." "Genitricksling Joyce: A Conference on the Genetic Criticism of James Joyce"; Antwerp, Belgium, May 20, 1997.
"Chaos Theory and a Hypermedia Ulysses." "James Joyce Through the Ages," Eleventh Annual Miami J'yce Birthday Conference; University of Miami, January 31, 1997.
Speaker on panel, "Technological Extensions of the Senses," "Being Human: The Technological Extension of the Boundaries of the Body" conference, sponsored by the Après-Coup Psychoanalytic Association and the MFA Photography and Related Media Department of the School of Visual Arts; New York, November 10, 1996.
"'Hello There, Central!': Problems and Possibilities in a Hypertext Based on Joyce's Ulysses."
Modern Language Association of America convention; Chicago, December 29, 1995.
Eighth International Interdisciplinary Conference of the Society for Textual Scholarship; New York, April 7, 1995.
James Joyce Society, Gotham Book Mart; New York, February 21, 1995.
Respondent to papers on panel, "Joyce in a Post-Literate Age." "Joyce and Modern Culture" conference; Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, June 16, 1995.
"Wandering in the Avant-texte: Joyce's Ulysses 'Cyclops' Copybook Revisited."
Ninth Annual Miami J'yce Birthday Conference; University of Miami, February 3, 1995.
Fourteenth International James Joyce Symposium; Seville, Spain, June 13, 1994.
Colloquium Series, Department of English, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, February 16, 1994.
"Teaching Textual Criticism." Modern Language Association of America convention; San Diego, December 29, 1994.
"Hypertext/Hypermedia–The Future of Literary Studies?" Colloquium Series, Department of English, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, November 29, 1994.
"Post-genetic Joyce." "From Manuscripts to Text: Genetic Criticism and Literary Studies" conference, Columbia University, New York, April 9, 1994 (with Daniel Ferrer, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris).
"Editions of Literary Works: Why It Matters Which One You Read." Arts Students' Council Lecture Series, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, February 28, 1994.
"Constructing a Reference Guide to Literary Theory and Criticism." Colloquium Series, Department of English, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, March 16, 1993 (with Martin Kreiswirth).
Speaker on panel, "Living Book Review: David Hayman's The 'Wake' in Transit." Thirteenth International James Joyce Symposium; Dublin, June 18, 1992.
Speaker on panel, "Living Book Review: Robert H. Bell's Jocoserious Joyce: The Fate of Folly in 'Ulysses'." Thirteenth International James Joyce Symposium; Dublin, June 17, 1992.
Respondent to David Greetham, "Editorial and Critical Theory: From Modernism to Postmodernism." "Palimpsest: Editorial Theory in the Humanities" conference; University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, November 15, 1991.
"Textual Theory and Literary Theory (Part 2)." Colloquium Series, Department of English, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, October 29, 1991.
"Film" (part of series, "Postmodernism: The Arts in Progress"). University of Western Ontario Faculty of Part-Time and Continuing Education, London, Ontario, January 31, 1991.
"Textual and Literary Theory Today." Modern Language Association of America convention; Chicago, December 28, 1990.
Speaker on and chair of panel, "Living Book Review: Vicki Mahaffey's Reauthorizing Joyce." Twelfth International James Joyce Symposium; Monaco, June 14, 1990.
"Textual Criticism, Literary Theory, and the Controversy Over the Text of Joyce's Ulysses." Colloquium Series, Department of English, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, March 29, 1990.
"The Ulysses Controversy." Discussion Group on Editorial, Bibliographical, and Textual Matters, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, March 23, 1989.
Invited conference participant, "Ulysses: The Text." Miami J'yce: The Third Annual James Joyce Birthday Conference; University of Miami, February 2-4, 1989.
"Bakhtin and Theory." Centre for the Study of Theory and Criticism Colloquium, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, November 27, 1987.
Panel member, "Modernism and Postmodernism and Joyce: Redefinitions." Tenth International James Joyce Symposium; Copenhagen, June 20, 1986.
Panel member, "Forum on the Garland Edition of Ulysses." Tenth International James Joyce Symposium; Copenhagen, June 19, 1986.
"Adapting to the New Ulysses: An Interim Report." University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, January 28, 1986.
"The Rehabilitation of the Rosenbach Manuscript of Ulysses." James Joyce Conference; Philadelphia, June 15, 1985.
"Foostering Over Those Changes: The New Ulysses."
University of Toronto; January 24, 1985.
Colloquium Series, Department of English, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, October 25, 1984.
Panel member, "James Joyce's Art of Rewriting: The Critical Significance of the Work in Progress." Ninth International James Joyce Symposium; Frankfurt, June 13, 1984.
"The Remaking of Joyce's Ulysses: Theoretical and Practical Complications." California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, March 6, 1984.
"James Joyce's Ulysses: How He Wrote the Book and How a Computer is Helping to Edit It." Senior Alumni Program, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, December 14, 1982.
"Joyce and Pound: The Ulysses Years." Eighth International James Joyce Symposium; Dublin, June 18, 1982 (paper summarized in E.P. Walkiewicz, "Pound/Joyce: Dublin ‘82," Paieduma 11 [1982]: 513).
"Editing Joyce's Ulysses: An International Effort."
Colloquium Series, Department of English, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, October 16, 1980.
"Adapting to the New Technology," Second Annual Conference of the Society for Scholarly Publishing; Minneapolis, June 3, 1980.
Panel member, "The Pedagogy of Joyce: Teaching Joyce in the Classroom." "James Joyce in Perspective: A Symposium"; Provincetown, Massachusetts, June 16, 1980.
"James Joyce and the Classical, Romantic, and Medieval Tempers."
"Colloquium: Joyce Country," State University of New York at Binghamton, April 17, 1980.
James Joyce Society; Gotham Book Mart, New York, April 15, 1980.
"Romantic Ireland," Canadian Association of Irish Studies Conference, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, March 6, 1980.
"The Publication of Joyce's Manuscripts: Problems and Possibilities." Modern Language Association of America convention; New York, December 28, 1978.
Ten-minute talk on Joyce and Conrad as part of "Reality and Literary Expression." Seminar in Semiotics, Department of French, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, October 31, 1978.
Panel member, "Where Do We Go From Here? A Look at New Approaches and Theories and their Contribution to Joyce Studies." "Joyce Colloquium 1978: New Directions in Joyce Studies"; Erie, Pennsylvania, June 15, 1978.
"Ulysses in Progress." Colloquium Series, Department of English, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, December 2, 1976.
"Joyce's Composition of Ulysses."
Modern Language Association of America convention; San Francisco, December 27, 1975
Fifth International James Joyce Symposium; Paris, June 18, 1975.
Chair of Conference Panels (most recent first)
"The Transnational Genetics of Ulysses." "Diasporic
Joyce: The 2017 North American
James Joyce Conference"; Toronto, June 23, 2017.
"Digital Genetic Joyce III: Ulyssean Genetics." "Anniversary Joyce."
Twenty-fifth International James Joyce Symposium;
London, June 17, 2016.
"Revision and Modernism: Living and (Un)Dead Texts."
Seminar co-organized with Riley McDonald and Donald
Hinson Calabrese. Modernist
Studies Association 17 conference; Boston,
November 19, 2015.
"From Signifier to Signified." "Joyce in Charleston: The 23rd North American James Joyce Conference"; Charleston, South Carolina, June 12, 2013.
"The Many Turns of Joycean Scholarship." "Re-Nascent Joyce," Twenty-first International James Joyce Symposium; Tours, France, June 16, 2008. Watch and listen to the full panel.
"Archival Joyce." "Joyce in Austin: 2007 North American James Joyce Conference," University of Texas at Austin; Austin, Texas, June 15, 2007.
"Ulyssean Adventures." "Joyce in Austin: 2007 North American James Joyce Conference," University of Texas at Austin; Austin, Texas, June 14, 2007.
"New Technologies of Literary Investigation: Digital Demonstrations." Modern Language Association of America convention; Washington, DC, December 29, 2005.
"Joyce and Beckett: Forging Irelands." IASIL 2005 conference (International Association for the Study of Irish Literatures); Charles University, Prague, July 28, 2005.
"Encoding, Imaging, and Digitizing Literary Texts: Digital Humanities at Western." COCH / COSH Conference (Consortium for Computers in the Humanities / Consortium pour ordinateurs en sciences humaines), part of the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences; University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, May 29, 2005.
"Text Work in the Digital Age." Panel organized by Brenda Silver. Thirteenth Biennial International Interdisciplinary Conference of the Society for Textual Scholarship; New York, March 18, 2005.
"New Research on Joyce at Work on Ulysses." Two sessions. "Bloomsday100," Nineteenth International James Joyce Symposium; Dublin, June 14 and 15, 2004.
"Information Technology and the Profession." Panel sponsored by the MLA's Committee on Information Technology. Panel organized by Julia Flanders. Modern Language Association of America convention; San Diego, December 28, 2003.
“Reading Ulysses Genetically.” Twelfth Biennial International Interdisciplinary Conference of the Society for Textual Scholarship; New York, March 21, 2003.
Plenary Session (speakers: George Bornstein and John P. Farrell). Old Lamps, New-lit: The Future of Victorian Poetry; University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, March 15, 2003.
"Joyce and Practice: Experiments in the Application of Literature." Extreme Joyce/Reading On the Edge: The 2001 North American James Joyce Conference; Berkeley, July 6, 2001.
"X-Files: Recent Work on Joyce and Computers." Extreme Joyce/Reading On the Edge: The 2001 North American James Joyce Conference; Berkeley, July 3, 2001.
"Modernist Fiction and Hypertext: Woolf and Joyce." Eleventh International Interdisciplinary Conference of the Society for Textual Scholarship; New York, April 19, 2001.
"Workshop on Technology." "2001: A Joyce Odyssey," The Fifteenth Annual Miami Joyce Birthday Conference; University of Miami, February 2, 2001.
"Hypertexting Joyce's Ulysses: A Practical Workshop." Four sessions; co-organizer and co-chair (with Susan Bazargan). "Joyce 2000: The Right to Write," Seventeenth International James Joyce Symposium; London, June 25, 26, 29, and 30, 2000.
"Joycean Communities: Fictional, Biographical,
Pedagogical, Scholarly, Virtual, Imagined, . . .: A
Communal Discussion." Modern
Language Association of America convention;
Chicago, December 27, 1999.
"Computing the Modernist and Postmodernist
Novel." Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities
Conference: Session sponsored jointly by COCH / COSH
(Consortium for Computers in the Humanities / Consortium
pour l'utilisation des ordinateurs en sciences humaines)
(Association of Canadian College and University Teachers
of English); University of Ottawa, May 29, 1998.
"Hypertext and Hypermedia Joyce Projects: An Open
Workshop." "Historical/Hysterical Joyce," North American
James Joyce Symposium; Toronto, June 13, 1997.
"Technology and Modern Literature." Panel sponsored by Division on Twentieth-Century English Literature. Modern Language Association of America convention; Washington, DC, December 29, 1996.
"The 'Low' Modernists." Panel sponsored by Division on Twentieth-Century English Literature. Modern Language Association of America convention; Chicago, December 29, 1995.
"Living Book Review: R. Brandon Kershner's Joyce, Bakhtin, and Popular Literature: Chronicles of Disorder." Twelfth International James Joyce Symposium; Monaco, June 16, 1990.
"Living Book Review: Jean-Michel Rabaté's James
Joyce: Portrait de l'auteur en autre lecteur."
Eleventh International James Joyce Symposium; Venice,
June 14, 1988.
"Rundgespräch über die Problematik, Methodik und Technik
der Ausgabe" [panel in English]. At meeting in honor of
publication of new critical edition of Ulysses;
Munich, June 19, 1984.
"Joyce's Texts and Archives: Now That We Have Them, What Will Be Done About Them?" "James Joyce in Perspective: A Symposium"; Provincetown, Massachusetts, June 13, 1980.
"Joyce at Work: New Research." "Joyce Colloquium 1978: New Directions in Joyce Studies"; Erie, Pennsylvania, June 16, 1978.
"The Uses of Joyce's Manuscripts." Sixth International James Joyce Symposium; Dublin, June 13, 1977.
Invited Classroom Presentations and Lectures (most recent first)
"An Introduction to Ulysses." The Academy for Lifelong Learning, Toronto (group co-facilitators: Sheilagh Hickie and Ellen Edmonds), September 25, 2015.
"James Joyce's Manuscripts for Ulysses.” California State University, Fullerton; course: Modern British and American Fiction (undergraduate; instructor: Erin Hollis), April 17, 2012.
"Copyright and the Scholar-Critic: The Case of James Joyce." Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario; Public Texts M.A. Colloquium Series (graduate; coordinator: Zailig Pollock), March 19, 2012; November 16, 2010; January 12, 2010; November 13, 2008; November 29, 2007.
"James Joyce's Ulysses." University of Toronto, Department of English, course: The Digital Text (undergraduate; instructor: Adam Hammond), October 5, 2011.
"James Joyce and Copyright." Humber College, Toronto, Creative Book Publishing Program (graduate; instructor: Cynthia Good), May 4, 2011.
"Case Study: James Joyce's Ulysses." University of Toronto, Faculty of Information, Introduction to Book History (graduate; instructor: Alan Galey), November 29, 2010.
"Why Read James Joyce's Ulysses Now?" University of Toronto, Victoria University "Vic One" First-year Course (undergraduate; coordinators: A. F. Moritz and Sheila Batacharya), November 17, 2010.
"James Joyce's Ulysses.” Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee (undergraduate; instructor: Roy Gottfried), October 8, 2010.
NEH (National Endowment for the Humanities) summer course on Ulysses — held at Trinity College Dublin (course for university professors; instructor: Kevin Dettmar), July 10, 2007.
"James Joyce's Ulysses." University of Cincinnati (undergraduate; instructor: Wayne Hall), April 14, 2006.
Valley College, Annville, Pennsylvania; Woodrow
Wilson Visiting Fellow, February 11-16, 2001 –
visited and talked in eight undergraduate classes:
course subjects included Nineteenth- and
Twentieth-Century British Literature (instructor:
Mary Pettice), Literary Genres (Phylis Dryden),
Technical Writing (John Kearney), Journalism (Mary
Pettice), Mass Communication (Marie Bongiovanni),
Film (Marta Guevara-Geer), and Music Education (Mary
"James Joyce's Ulysses in Hypermedia: A Prototype"
St. John's University; Collegeville, Minnesota (undergraduate; instructor: Scott Richardson), April 27, 2001.
City University of New York Graduate Center (graduate; instructor: David Greetham); January 28, 2000.
Dartmouth College; Hanover, New Hampshire (undergraduate; instructor: James Heffernan), April 29, 1998.
Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art (undergraduate; instructor: David Weir); New York, March 27, 1997.
City University of New York Graduate Center (graduate; instructor: David Greetham); January 28, 1997.
"Introduction to Joyce's Ulysses." Molloy
College (undergraduate; instructor: Nicholas Fargnoli);
Rockville Centre, New York, October 23, 1998).
"The Textual Evolution of Joyce's Ulysses." State University of New York at Binghamton (graduate; instructor: Suzette Henke); April 17, 1980.