Sirens: Details that Recur

Some details in this episode that have appeared earlier:

for Raoul (11:88; see 10:609) (also Sweets of Sin at 11:156-57)
Jingle (11:245 etc.; see 4:303)
God's curse (11:285; see 10:1119-20)
Boylan with impatience (11:289 and 436; se 10:486)
(hold that fellow with the: hold him now) (11:450-51; see 10:904-5)
Richie Goulding (11:358 and 521 etc.; see 3:61-98 and 10:471)
Ben Howth, the rhododendrons (11:582; see 8:911)
Crosseyed Walter (11:648; see 3:67)
Love's old sweet song (11:681; see 4:314)
Hands felt for the opulent (11:692; see 10:611-12)
Symmetry under a cemetery wall (11:833; see 7:165-70)
(her heaving embon) (11:1106; see 10:616)
Robert Emmet (11:1275; see 6:967-68 and 10:764)

See also Characters in Dubliners who reappear in Ulysses and Characters in A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man who reappear in Ulysses.